08.02.202528 days ago
Confession [80]


A few months ago, I called in sick to work because I just really didn’t feel like going. Harmless, right? Well, my boss texted me, "Feel better! What’s wrong?" and instead of just saying I had a cold or something, I panicked and said, "Stomach virus. Super bad." Big mistake. Next thing I know, my coworkers are sending me "get well soon" messages. One of them even offered to bring me soup. I felt kinda guilty, but it got worse. A week later, I was at a restaurant when I ran into my boss. He looked at me all concerned and asked, "Are you okay? You lost a lot of weight" Instead of admitting I was fine, I doubled down. "Yeah… it was rough. Barely ate for days." Now I’m stuck in this fake recovery story. My boss still asks how I’m feeling, and I have to act like I survived some life-threatening illness… all because I didn’t feel like working that day.


[0] I get it. I didn't go to uni for some days, said I didn't have any course those days because I feel it's pointless. I study things, now in second year, and yet it feels so pointless. I see nothing beyond exams, beyond grades. For me it doesn't mean anything. I don't really know the reason why I act so anti-work/study, and I often thought things might be better if I suck it up and act like a robot but it feels like a mistake too. I don't want people to worry about me either. I feel like I don't deserve any help when I'm not being of great help to anyone. I'm sorry you feel that kind of guilt and I hope you'll feel better soon.